Overview : Cybersecurity Audit
Are you looking to improve your cyber security?
With our cyber security audit, WeSecureCyber provides an effective online safety net to Australian businesses.
WeSecureCyber offers organisations a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of their networks, applications and cyber security controls. WSC team uses the ACSC Essential Eight mitigation techniques to help companies plan and implement protocols, protocols, and processes that will identify, investigate, and mitigate cyber security incidents.
Benefits of Cyber Security
- Find security gaps
- How to identify and address weak points
- Respect of laws and regulations
- Reputation boosted
- Test the inherent controls in your system
- Increase cybersecurity procedures
- Employees should be more aware of cybersecurity
- Assure vendors and clients about data security
- Performance improvements in the system
Assure vendors and clients about data security
- Improve and update cybersecurity processes

Our Approach on Cyber Security Audit
Planning & Information Gathering
The operating environment and the functions of the system
Dependence on the IT infrastructure
Organisational structure
Software and hardware information
Security issues in the organization, both past and present
Scope and Objective
The auditor will have all the information necessary to clearly and precisely define the scope and objective of the IT audit. The risk assessment involves assessing the possible threats and ranking them from low to high or using other complex or scientific metrics. The severity of the issue is determined by the potential damage it could cause and the ease of its exploitability. Vulnerabilities which are easy to exploit or cause high levels of damage should be ranked higher.
Scanning & Evaluation of Evidence
Different types of evidence can be collected through rigorous testing and prodding at the security infrastructure. These must all be interpreted in order to compile audit results. There are three types of evidence:
Documentary evidence
Analyse of the system
Observation of processes
4Reporting Audit Results
Auditor prepares detailed report that includes details like audit scope, test results, findings and solutions. Next steps to address security concerns
FAQs on Cyber Security Audit
What is a Cyber Security Audit?
Cyber security audits can identify the ongoing cyber threat to an organization. Audits enable organisations to identify, mitigate, and minimize cyber security risks by thoroughly and systematically examining networks and applications.
When should cyber security audits take place?
An ongoing strategy to reduce cyber risk should include an annual audit. This allows for the early detection of cyber threats, and helps to mitigate security vulnerabilities. Companies can also use vulnerability assessments to assess the security of key applications and networks, and conduct cyber security audits.
Why choose WeSecureCyber?
We are a trusted cyber security company based in Australia. We provide “end-to end” cyber security solutions and services. Our team will work with you to reduce your risk and protect your brand, reputation, and digital assets from internal and external threats.
How do I prepare for a cyber security audit?
Here are some tips to help you prepare for a cyber security audit:
1. Identify Your Assets
2. Develop Policies and Procedures
3. Test Your Systems
4. Train Your Employees
5. Monitor Your Systems
What is the objective of cyber security audit?
The objective of a cyber security audit is to provide an organization’s management, vendors, and customers, with an assessment of an organization’s security posture. Audits play a critical role in helping organizations avoid cyber threats.
What is the role of auditor in cyber security?
Cybersecurity auditors work with companies and organizations to provide comprehensive audits of online security systems that typically includes: A detailed report about existing cybersecurity systems. Analyses of whether the systems run efficiently or effectively.